Arts Venues In Bandung
Gamelan/Karawitan Academy of Karawitan , Jln Buah Batu
Sudanese Dance Purwa Setia Building, Gang Tegellega
Puppet Play/
Wayang Kulit Yayasan Building, Jln Naripan (near Jln Braga)
Places To Visit Near Bandung
Mount Tangkuban Prahu
The crater of Mt. Tangkuban Prahu can be reached on foot from Lembang. Go early in the morning for a good view over the city. Nearby is Marabaya, with its hot sulphur pool, tea estates and mountain scenery. 17km from Lembang is Ciater hot springs.
Catch an opelet to Lembang from the terminal opposite the southern entrance to the railway station. The road passes through the treey suburbs of Cipaganti, past the Observatory at Geger Kalong and the Grand Hotel at Lembang. Try some of the hot corn from the street vendors. The 4km walk up to the crater and the geysers is best done as early as possible in the morning. If you leave from the opelet terminal by 7am you should beat the mist and see the view back over Bandung. Rather than walking up the road from the main gate, tell the opelet driver that you want to get off at Jayagiri and walk 8km through the forest to the volcano.
Dago Tea House
The Dago Tea House is a pleasant spot for refreshments. The outside terrace overlooking Bandung is beautiful, but like all of North Bandung, it gets quite chilly as soon as the sun sets, so have something warm with you.
Ciater and Maribaya Hot Springs
The two best known hot sulphur springs near Bandung are Ciater and Maribaya. To get to Ciater, catch an opelet from the terminal at Bandung or Lembang to Subang and alight in front of the tea factory. There are a number of pools ranging in temperature from 35C to 42C.
To Maribaya Falls, catch a mini – bus from the same terminals.
Lake Patenggang
Catch a mini bus from Bojong Loa terminal on Jln Abdul Muis to Ciwideg, From there, change to Ranca Boli and then walk 1km to the lake and tea plantations. There are also some hot springs nearby.